Floor Chair
Sitting on the floor was never this comfortable!
Hello, if you have made it to this website you are clearly interested in floor chairs.
Even though the concept is pretty simple (it is just a regular chair with no legs), there is a lot to say about floor chairs,
and there are actually a lot of different types. To find out more about these floor level chairs scroll down,
or press the links in the menu in the top. (You know how the internet works ;) )
I love my floor chair, even though I sometimes still use regular chairs, my back feels much better since I started using floor chairs!
These images show two different floor chairs that are available online.
What is a floor chair?
A floor level chair is similar to a normal chair, only without the legs. Yes, we are talking about a legless chair. This means that the seating part of the chair on which you sit is in direct contact with the floor. It provides the back support of a high chair, something that you do not have when you are sitting on the floor directly. Because you are exerting weight on the seating part, you can lean backward on the back support without the chair tilting over. ( Technical note, actually there are so called floor chairs without back support, these have little advantages over sitting on the floor or on a pillow).
Why you should consider buying a floor chair.
You might wonder why you should purchase one of these legless chairs, so please let me explain why I think it is worth every penny.
Personally I always use my Japanese floor chair when I am playing with my toddlers. My Japanese floor chair allows me to sit on the floor without straining my back. This makes it easy to relax even when sitting on the floor. Also people who like to meditate might benefit of using a floor chair, it just makes sitting on the floor a little more comfortable.
Besides my personal floor chair I have some extra floor chairs stacked away in case I have some visitors over. This way I can make sure everybody sits comfortable, and I can easily store everything away after my party is over!
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Where to buy floor chairs, and what brands are available?
There are many places to buy floor chairs. Since you are using the internet already, we suggest you hopping over to Amazon and buy your floor chair online. They have a lot of different products, at very decent prices. However, floor chairs can also be bought from other respectable stores and websites such as, but not limited to : Ikea, Target, Walmart and Ebay. For people who are not located in the united states sites like Rakuten might also be a nice place to buy them.
There are a variety of products, from simple and cheap floor chairs to very elegant and expensive products.
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What kind of floor chairs are available?
There are a lot of different kinds of floor chairs available. In order for you to make the best decision, we will discuss some different kinds of chairs.
- Adults or kids? Do you want to buy a floor level chair For kids or for adults? This is an important thing to consider when purchasing your chair. While kids usually fit on chairs designed for adults, it unfortunately does not always work the other way around..
- Lounger chairs: these chairs are usually more comfortable than normal chairs, and often have a leg rest as well. These chairs generally position you in a more relaxed position, which makes lounger chairs less suitable to e.g. eat at a table.
- Adjustable back chairs: some chairs allow you to change the position of the backrest, allowing you to change the adjustable back rest to any position you wish.
Some of these adjustable chairs allow you to choose between 5 (or sometimes even more than 5) different backrest positions!
- Floor tv chairs: these are ideal to sit back, relax and watch television. In some cases they even come with a cupholder so you don't spill your coke when watching a scary movie, or your favorite television series!
- Floor chair sofa: these are usually more soft and comfortable floor chairs, made of soft foam or pillow-like materials, that remind you of your favorite sofa! Some sofa chairs are big enough to fit 2 persons.
- floor rocking chairs: These are the good old rocking as we know them from our favorite westerns! They really do not need much explanation!
- Swivel floor chair: Believe it or not, swivel floor chairs are also available! The actual swiveling might be a little bit harder than on a regular desk or office chair, because your legs are so close to the floor.

These images show a perfect example of two different kinds of adjustable back floor chairs. You can position the backrest in position you prefer the most, making the chair suitable for different situations.
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Japanese zaisu chairs
In Japan floor chairs have been used for a long time. The japanese call these chairs "zaisu", and they are often seen in combination with other Japanese furniture such as futons, tatami floors or kotatsu tables. In Japan it is very common to sit on the ground with the entire family. Because of this the tables they sit and eat on are also often lower than in western countries. Because of this Zaisu chairs offer a nice alternative, where you can sit on the floor without experiencing strain on your back. This makes it easier to relax when you sitting on the floor. Some Zaisu are foldable, which can be very convenient. By adjusting the position of the back you can sit in more upright positions, or lean back, in a more relaxing position.
Shop for Zaisu online!
Things to consider when buying a floor chair
When you made the decision to purchase a floor chair (best decision of your life if you ask me), there are a few things to take into consideration to make sure you will not be disappointed with your purchase.
- Portability: When purchasing a floor chair it is important to know if it is easy to move around. Some floor chairs might be heavier than expected, which means they are harder to take to a different location. This of course does not matter so much when you use your chair on a fixed position.
- Damage of floors: just like normal furniture floor level chairs can cause scratches on your floor surface when sliding. Some floors and chairs are more prone to scratching of the floor surface than others. In case you are not sure if your chair scratches, or if you just want to be sure, we recommend you purchase a floor mat to protect your floor. You can also use chair sliders / gliders that guard your floor from harmful scratches.
- Adjustable back: as mentioned earlier some chairs have an adjustable back, allowing you to choose different angles of inclination for the backrest. Do you want to use your chair in different situations, and with more than a single inclination? Then an adjustable backrest is definitely recommended for your chair!
- Armrest: Some floor level chairs have armrest, while others do not. It is important to consider the situation in which you will be using your chair most, before deciding if an armrest is wishful or not.
- Adults or kids: when buying a floor chair make sure that the chair has the proper dimensions! You would not be the first adult who accidentally bought a floor chair intended for kids!
- Design: plays an important role in your decision. The last thing you want is to end up with a floor chair that does not match the design of your interior. The design of your floor chair is really important, but unfortunately we cannot advice you in subjective matters!
- Flexibility: This plays a role in getting on and of your seat. When you get out of a normal chair, this is usually easier because you don"t need to flex your muscles so much. If you are not used to sit on a floor chair it might be harder to get up than usual, because of this lack of flexibility / fitness. However, over time you will get more and more used to it.
- Positioning: definitely an important factor. If you purchase a zaisu you want to use and enjoy it as much as possible. Do you have any place in your house that offers a suitable place for your zaisu? I for example have a low coffee table that I can use as a desk when sitting on my floor chair.
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